About Us
One of the oldest congregations in Westmoreland County, we are a member of the North American Lutheran Church. Our roots date back to 1772 and portions of our current building were constructed in 1902.
We are Christ-Centered, Mission-Driven,
Traditionally- Grounded, and Congregationally-Focused.

Our Mission:
WorSHIP, DiscipleSHIP, FellowSHIP;
Come on Board!
Our Full Mission Network description
We worship one God in three persons.
We are disciples, or followers, of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through the Holy Spirit we are united with fellow believers.
Last, is a simple invitation that serves as a statement of welcome.
Our future here at St. Paul is bright, because we follow the “Light of the World” in whom we place our hope and trust.
Link to NALC teaching statements
St. Paul Church also has an Area Emergency Food Pantry.
Our pantries are stocked with nonperishable food such as canned vegetables and fruit, beans, rice, cereal, pasta, peanut butter and tuna. Some cleaning supplies, personal care items and paper products are also available. Food is available to anyone who needs it without obligation, regardless of circumstance and it is free and confidential.
To access the pantry, call the church office . The church office is usually only staffed on Tuesdays and Thursdays so you may need to leave a message and someone will return your call or you can e-mail
at anytime with your name and number and someone will contact you to set up a time to access the food pantry.